Thursday 5 September 2024

Info for The Chiggy Ultra 2024

September 5th 2024 Update!

Hey Everyone!

I’m including info which we already released below to keep everything easier to find.

Race Registration
will be on Friday October 4th at our tent outside the Cape Chignecto Office from 2pm until 6pm.

If you are a 2 or 3 lap participant, your start time will be Midnight on Saturday Oct 5th.  If you cannot make this registration time but intend to run, TEXT ME (John) at 902 664 1069 DURING THIS TIME.  In the text please include: who you are, the distance you are running and your intention to start at midnight. As a 2 or 3 Looper, if we haven't heard from you by 6pm on Friday, we will assume you aren't coming to the race.

All other distances can also register with us 5 am until 6:30 on Saturday October 5th at the Start / Finish at the Park.

Bib Pick up - Only you can pick up your bib, nobody else can.

All 2 and 3 loopers should try to be at the Start / Finish for 11:30 pm on Friday evening for a Midnight sendoff.  

Drop Bag update - 1, 2 and 3 loop folks are allowed to a disposable drop bag for Big Bald (Middle Aid Station). (This hasn’t changed).

If you are a 2 or 3 Looper and wish to have drop items at the Bunkhouse (1st Aid Station) and Arch Gulch (3rd Aid Station), you can now do so. 

All Drop Bags (which will not be returned to you) are to be dropped off at the Registration on Friday no later than 6 pm, and they will depart for the Cabins.  

Here are some frequently asked questions:

Q - Do you still need Volunteers

A - Yes we do.  We need Volunteers at the Start / Finish Saturday night, throughout the day and Sunday morning.  Have folks email us  @

Q - Are there Bathrooms along the route?

A - There are vaulted toilets along the route in the different camping sites and the cabin Aid Stations

Q - What if I can no longer make the race?

A - You are able to Transfer your Bib to someone you can sell it to. On the Race Roster

page, there is a Transfer button. It’ll work until September 1st. If you have any issues

with the button, please let me know!

Q- What are some recommended items to bring?

A- Recommended Items - While we don’t have an absolute items list required for the race, here are items we suggest you bring:

Hydration vest or something to carry liquid ... preferably 1 Litre minimum

Water Filter - There are 3 Aid Stations, but there are several rivers you could refill water if you tend to go through a lot.

Headlamp / light - You don’t want to get caught in the dark.

Small First Aid Kit - never a bad idea to have some bandages, duct tape and a thermal


Charged Cell phone with John’s # in it (902) 664 1069


Some other things to Note:

Keep an eye on the projected weather to dress appropriately. If you are doing more than 1

loop, consider extra clothing in your vehicle.

Q- Are there aid stations?

A- Aid Stations - There will be 3 aid stations out on the course. They are ( in order) Bunkhouse, Big Bald and Arch Gulch. If you are doing 2 or 3 loops, all three aid stations will have something hot during the night. You can also use your vehicle in the parking lot as an Aid

Station to grab extra food etc.

Note about the Bunkhouse Aid Station - This is the ONLY Aid Station which is accessible by

vehicles off the Eatonville Road. It’s a dirt road, which can be affected by heavy rains, so an

SUV or larger is recommended, I’ll leave that up to you.

Aid Station items we plan to offer:


Coke, Mountain Dew, Ginger Ale

Pickles and juice

Banana Bread (V)





grilled cheese



Q- Can my family/friends come and see me run?

A- If you have a support person who wants to meet you there to cheer you on, they can. The Bunkhouse can also be used as a spot to pick something up or drop something off if you need (IE Man I forgot my poles! OR Man I HATE these Poles!). Any items exchanged here would be by your support person, we won’t be delivering items back to the start.

The Bunkhouse is approx 16.5k in. It is a narrow road, and also used by locals, so try to be considerate when parking / driving on it. It has sketchy cell service. But driving a short distance away you will get a few bars.

Q- Is there an Opportunity for Drop Bags?

A - Drop Bags - You will be handed a large ziplock bag when you are handed your bib. Please place anything you think you will need at Big Bald Cabin (approx 30k in). This ziplock bag will be disposed of after the race. You will not get the contents in the ziplock bag back.

Please don’t stick a Patagonia jacket in this drop bag, unless it’s size XL and forest green. I

could use one of those.

Q - What if I am on the course and want to drop from the Race?

A - If you want to drop from the race (not including a life threatening injury), stop at one of the Aid Stations. There will be volunteers at these who can sit with you and keep you company. We will extract runners at different times throughout the race as we check on the aid stations to bring more supplies. Please note: you will be given the distance recorded before you left the course. No one DNF’s at the Chiggy Ultra.

Q- Where do I park for the race? 

A - The two and three lappers will get preferred parking as they are starting at Midnight. One lappers and family can fill in where there is space later that morning. If the parking lot is close to being full, we encourage you to park on Eatonville Road. From the end of the road to the Start / Finish is approx 0.6 kilometres. Eatonville Road is a public road, but it’s narrow, so please park on One Side and leave room so vehicles can pass.

Q- What if I've arrived a bit late, what do I do?

A-  Come to the Start / Finish, we’ll get you started.

Q- When can my pacer start?

A - After the 2 and three lappers have done 1 full lap, their pacer can join them on the second and or third lap. When you arrive to register we will hand you your bib as well as the bibs for your pacer(s). We will need your pacers emergency contact info as well as if they are allergic to anything. 

Q- Can my Pacer help me?

A- Yes, your pacer can help you, as a matter of fact, anyone can. If a fellow trailrunner or random hiker wants to lend you a headlamp/granola bar/change of shorts… take the help… whatever is going to help you finish… take the help. 

Q- Can I wear headphones/earbuds?

A- Absolutely. If it will help you to finish your race by listening to: Enya, David Goggins audio book “Can’t Hurt me”, or Rob Zombie, Slipknot or Clint Black… do it!!! If it’s Clint Black, please don’t play the music out loud.

Q- Will you have First Aid Available?

A - Yes we will have a couple of paramedics on site as well as well stocked first aid kits at each aid station. 

Q- What if i signed up for 1 lap or 2… and want to add a lap when i arrive at the finish because I am feeling so good?

A- If you arrive back to the finish and want to add more laps… we would ask you to pay the difference of the two races and we will drive out to the aid stations to update their runner 

handler sheets. 

Q - What if I signed up for 2 or more laps and want to reduce after a lap or two?

A - This is no problem.  You will be credited for the distance you achieve.  However if you were signed up for 3 or 2 laps, and do less, your results will be placed on a separate list.  So if you signed up for two laps, and crushed one lap and want to stop, you will be placed on a separate 1 Lap finishing list than those who signed up for 1 and finished 1.

Q-If I signed up for three laps how can I make it a full 100miler so that I can say I have run a 100miler?

A - We will have three 1 Kilometer Markers along the road from the park towards Advocate, so you can finish your distance along the road and back.

Info for The Chiggy Ultra 2024

September 5th 2024 Update! Hey Everyone! I’m including info which we already released below to keep everything easier to find. Race Registra...